Musings of an Amateur Diva

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Location: Kennedale, Texas, United States

Single mother of two trying to find my way in the world. Feminist, Socialist and Atheist living in Jesusville, USA.

Thursday, April 28, 2005


These are my URL ABCs:

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Yay for me, redux.

I got the job! Yay yay yay. Just exactly the job that set me to looking for jobs, even. Perfect hours, location, pay. The work might get a tad dry, but the people seem great and it's a small office, and a municipal position, so that I feel like the work environment will be easy going and relaxed. Once again, I will be working around engineers, though engineers of a different type than the ones I worked with in Las Cruces. Still, there's a certain personality that goes along with it, it seems like. It's funny how much they seem to resemble the group I worked for at Keytronic, in their habits and speech.

At any rate, I'm very excited to get started, to have money, to get out of the house more, to be validated for my efforts with a paycheck. There are any number of levels on which this news makes me happy. Not the least of which is that I really wanted this job and I got it. Which means I'm wanted.

Go me!

Friday, April 22, 2005

Yay for me!

I finally got a call back from the City of Arlington about one of the applications I put in there. It's probably been a month, but I guess that's how Municipal government stuff works. Slowly. It works slowly. So, hopefully I can dazzle the guy at the interview on Monday afternoon. I will make another post to let anyone who might still be reading here know how it went.

I had an interview last week, and getting called for it made my week. But, the guy I interviewed with... he just didn't have one of those personalities that I 'clicked' with. I didn't get a call back, and I'm sure that's why. We were both dealing with a lot of long awkward silences during the interview. This guy seems different, though. We were already chattering away on the phone when we made the appointment, and he laughed at all the appropriate times, which is a good sign. I have a somewhat peculiar sense of humor that not everyone gets, and someone getting my jokes is usually a good indicator that they are O.K.

So, wish me luck. This is absolutely the job I want, hours, location and pay is right on the money for what I'm hoping for... more than I was hoping for, really.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Oh Mein Gott!

I saw an image of the above in white on the middle of an otherwise completely blacked out front page of a German Newspaper. I think that just about covers it. When Bush was elected last fall, there were German's and other Europeans offering shelter to American liberals who wanted to run for the hills.

I just want to say any Catholics out there are welcome to come by my Unitarian church. I'll vouch for you.

Monday, April 18, 2005

An eventful weekend.

First off, I should not be allowed near the animal shelter without a chaperone. Not at all. I come so close, every time, to bringing home something new and little and fuzzy. They're so cute! And someone might put them to sleep if it don't take them home and hide them under my bed!

But, a tale leads up to this trip to the animal shelter. This weekend, on Friday, my friend Krista called to see if we'd like to come to her house for the weekend and have a garage sale. So, we decided to do that and I turned my house upside down and shook it until stuff I could sell fell out. She came over to get Michael and I, and Katy had plans with a friend until later, so Katy stayed with her friend. We loaded our bags and our garage sale stuff into her suburban and stopped by the grocery store and got chicken for dinner on the way to her place. That night we worked our butts off getting stuff out of her greenhouse and garage for the sale and then late, she went to get Katy.

When she went to get Katy, they stopped here at the house to pick up a few large items that hadn't fit into the truck when we were all in there. Katy helped her load up while I stayed home with Krista's kids, did some dishes and got everyone cleaned up and put into bed. When they got back, Krista and I drank some wine and watched soapnet and the three of us priced things for the sale in the morning. We stayed up way too late and good sleep was not much to be had that night. So many people in the same house. Krista and I, and her four kids and my two kids. And I can't really share a room with anyone because my snoring keeps people awake.

Yes, I snore like a buzzsaw.

So, we had the garage sale on Saturday and it was really slow. Unexpectedly, the baby stuff didn't sell very well, but we both sold a couple of our big ticket items and were happy with the way it went so that we decided not to re-open on Sunday. There was a lot of fun, and Krista's garage and greenhouse got cleaned out nicely, even if she didn't sell a lot of the stuff she was wanting to. We stopped at Walmart on the way back home on Sunday and bought groceries together then she dropped us off.

When we got home, though, the trouble started. Apparently, when Katy and Krista were loading things into Krista's suburban, Katy put one of the cats into the bedroom with the door closed, and forgot to let her out before they left. Mimi isn't very comfortable with being left alone for any length of time anyway, and was very wound up and crying when I let her out. She seems to have calmed down now, thank goodness. However, the real bad news was that the other cat, Pip, seems to have gotten out during that time. Pip is not exactly a survivor. She also doesn't like people. Very high strung. Very skittish. So, I don't know how well she'll be able to take care of herself outside, and I doubt anyone will casually run across her, as she'll be hiding, I imagine, pretty effectively.

In other words, I am not confident we'll see her again. I had told Krista and Katy both not to worry about Pip. Said she's afraid of the outside and won't try to get out. So, if anyone, it's my fault, but all in all, these things happen. It's just sad. Katy is pretty upset about it. We'll be okay, though. We'll figure it out.

So, today I went to the pound to see if pip had been taken up there, and she hadn't. I didn't much expect she would have been. I made some signs and ran a bunch of copies to post around the neighborhood. We shall see how it unfolds.

Meanwhile I fell in love with an adorable shetland sheepdog who was up there. I know! I shouldn't be allowed in public alone, some days!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

And I've been reading, a little

I've begun a book called Red Mars on the recommendation of a friend who knows I enjoy reading tales thick with politics and philosophy.. and that I've been hoping to read more science fiction, a genre which I've largely abjured in the past.

So, there is a character in the story who reminds me so strongly of a friend of mine (He's under CPXB on the blogroll to the left) that it's uncanny! I have been telling him this, but the way the fellow talks, even the way he is described as looking is so spot-on, that I had to transcribe one of the conversations from the book as an example... knowing Chris comes across my blog from time to time, when I'm actually posting. So, here goes... the character in question is Arkady.

“Look, Arkady, this settlement is a scientific station. Your ideas are irrelevant to it. Maybe in fifty or a hundred years. But for now, it’s going to be like the stations in Antarctica.”

“That’s true,” Arkady said, “But, in fact, Antarctic stations are very political. Most of them were built so that the countries that built them would have a say in the revision of the Antarctic treaty. And now the stations are governed by laws set by that treaty, which was made by a very political process! So, you see, you cannot just stick your head in the sand crying, ‘I am a scientist! I am a scientist!’” He put a hand to his forehead, in the universal gesture mocking the prima donna. “No. When you say that, you are only saying, ‘I do not wish to think about complex systems!’ Which is not really worthy of true scientists, is it?”

“The Antarctic Is governed by a treaty because no one lives there except scientific stations,” Maya said, irritably. To have their final dinner , their last moment of freedom disturbed like this!

“True,” Arkady said. “But, think of the result. In Antarctica, no one can own land. No one country or organization can exploit the continent’s natural resources without the consent of every other country. No one can claim to own these resources, or take them and sell them to other people, so that some profit from them while others pay for their use. Don’t you see how radically different that is from the way the rest of the world is run? And this is the last area of Earth to be organized, to be given a set of laws. It represents what all governments working together feel, instinctively is fair, revealed on land free from all claims of sovereignty, or really from any history at all. It is, to say it plainly, Earth’s best attempt to create just property laws! Do you see? This is the way the entire world should be run, if only we could free it from the straightjacket of history!”

The argument goes on to him arguing that they should ignore the various countries' ownership of the stations sent down, and create a community that they control. To ignore the treaty that governs Mars, etc. He wins many arguments in the book, when he can get people to pay attention to him, and here he wins the argument when he points out that the laws that govern them prohibit them from altering the ecology of the planet, which prohibits the terraforming that their very existence relies upon. One fellow says that the changes Arkady is referring to will happen as an inevitability, anyway. That the change to Mars will cause an evolution in them, to which Arkady replies: "History is not evolution! It is a false analogy!" And how history is a matter of choices, Evolution is a matter of changes. He points out how much of our current social realities are governed, essentially, by a lot of backward thinking dead people. The conversation, essentially ends when someone calls what he is saying an "Ill conceived revolution" about how he won't discuss specifics, only cry against the current system and Arkady tells them he only spoke his mind, and if that makes them uncomfortable, then it is their business. That they don't like the implications of what he says, but they can't find the grounds to deny them.

That is so Chris. I'm not sure why I'm so astounded by the likeness, but I am. I also am really liking the book. The author is telling the story from the point of view of someone who opposes Arkady's ideas, but at the same time without creating a strong bias against either Arkady or his ideas. That it is told from outside the revolutionary makes the character edgy, unpredictable... the reader is constantly wondering what Arkady is going to do, and a distant sort of witness to the social dynamics his radical ideas create.

So, I'm only in the first of the book.. witness again how busy I've been lately, I usually chew through novels in a few days... but I recommend it. It has proved a good read. And most of it is told in a flashback after a powerful political stroke begins the story. I thought that the knowledge of what all this is ultimately coming to would color my reading of the narrative.. make it flat for me, but it absolutely has not. I'm savoring the depth of the characterizations and the limited third person that keeps the reader always wondering.. along with the main character.. what's going on behind the eyes of her fellows.

Monday, April 11, 2005

And Lo, then did she disappear for weeks

So, I've been looking for a job, and I planned a party for my birthday... you know what rocks? Throwing a party for yourself, that's what. People come over and give you presents and are happy to see you, and compliment your house. It's good. But, unfortunately, it can cut into your screwing around online time, particularly when paired with a thorough job search.

I've been doing some hardcore looking for a job lately. Sheesh. No really strong leads so far, but still working on it. Also, I keep thinking of things to write in my blog, and when I sit down to do so, nothing comes out. I'm sure everyone has been there at one time or another.

The anxiety is coming on again. Money problems feel as if they're going to drown me, but at the same time I know if I can get this job thing going then it'll fix my money problems long term. I have one big hurdle to get past, first, though. I have an old returned check I have to take care of before it comes back to haunt me and I can't get a job at all. It's a big one, too. Damn. Damnit damnit.

I'll get there soon enough, though. All a temporary problem, at best.

And nothing else has been keeping me busy. I swear.

This is Sister Hand Grenade of Moderation, signing off.