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Location: Kennedale, Texas, United States

Single mother of two trying to find my way in the world. Feminist, Socialist and Atheist living in Jesusville, USA.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Yay for me, redux.

I got the job! Yay yay yay. Just exactly the job that set me to looking for jobs, even. Perfect hours, location, pay. The work might get a tad dry, but the people seem great and it's a small office, and a municipal position, so that I feel like the work environment will be easy going and relaxed. Once again, I will be working around engineers, though engineers of a different type than the ones I worked with in Las Cruces. Still, there's a certain personality that goes along with it, it seems like. It's funny how much they seem to resemble the group I worked for at Keytronic, in their habits and speech.

At any rate, I'm very excited to get started, to have money, to get out of the house more, to be validated for my efforts with a paycheck. There are any number of levels on which this news makes me happy. Not the least of which is that I really wanted this job and I got it. Which means I'm wanted.

Go me!


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